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ULI Competition, 2010; San Diego, CA

Vision: formerly a warehousing district, the new East Village is transformed into a vibrant and dynamic arts district. The key feature of this design is the creation of 24 hour “address streets” where people can TRANSFORM , EXPERIENCE and become a PART of East Village. A key component to this vision is to utilize the existing fault lines and administer an asset management strategy to develop the faults as a greenway system which will transform into the identity and icon for East Village. 


This project was our solution proposed for the ULI urban design competition 2010 problem. Objectives for this project are formed to understand how the vision can be achieved. An asset management strategy utilizes constraints, transforming them into opportunities. The three primary objectives include: utilizing fault lines for open space and water catchment, utilizing existing transit and alternative transportation opportunities, and establish an identity for East Village as an ARTS DISTRICT. The team included five members from different backgrounds and I was assigned mainly to help with the concept and generate 3D modeling for the development site. 

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